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Tableau:  Tracking the US Presidential Election of 2020 close to home

The 2020 election brought record turnout at the polls. I decided to experiment with Tableau's mapping functions and look at my home county. Voting early myself, it was fun to see how many others also decided to vote early. In Harris County, Texas, early voting didn't seem to be driven by who someone voted for.


For this project I pulled data from for 2020 early voting and 2020 election day voting and 2016 election day voting.  I pulled zip codes along with lattitude and longitude from opendatasoft.I also pulled in a shape file for the county from DATA.GOV. This project proved a challenge in that the data collected and publicly available for early voting and the data for election day voting changed. I initially planned and setup the project to report based on zip code.  I found that some of the zip codes in Harris County, Texas are shared in neighboring counties.  I eventually settled on voting precints in my final dashboard. Below are two dashboards.  The one on bottom depicts where I was first going with the design until I could not obtain similar data for election day.  I prepared the data using Tableau Prep.  If you are interested in seeing the dashboard in full view, please visit my Tableau Public link

Below is my first attempt with the election data.  With drive thru voting available for the first time, it was interesting to watch the numbers compared to traditional in person voting.  

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